Applicable to institutions in England onlyLearner Details Screen

The Learner Details screen (accessed from the Learner tab in the left-hand pane) holds information on the learner. From this screen you can enter information on the learner, including some that are included in your ILR return.

Learner Details screen

The following fields on the Learner Details screen are ILR fields and any value input will be output to the learner ILR record.

ebs field Holds this information... XML Tag
Person Code The provider's reference number for the learner as assigned by the provider. LearnRefNumber
Learner Ref No in Prev Year The provider's reference number for the learner in the previous year if different from the current teaching year. PrevLearnRefNumber
Previous UKPRN The UK provider reference number of the contracted provider of the learner in the previous year if different from the current teaching year. PrevUKPRN
Pre-merger UKRPN The UKPRN of the provider prior to the merger. PMUKPRN
Campus Id The identifier of a campus within a college group and no longer a separate legal entity but previously operated as an incorporated college with a UKPRN. CampId
ULN The learner's unique learner number (ULN), as held on the Learner Register, obtained from the Learning Records Service (LRS). ULN
Surname The surname or family name of the learner. FamilyName
Forename The forenames (first names) of the learner. GivenNames
Middle Name The forenames (first names) of the learner. GivenNames
Date of Birth The date of birth of the learner. DateOfBirth
Ethnicity The ethnic origin of the learner, based on the 2011 census. Ethnicity
Gender The legal sex of the learner. Sex
Learn Diff/Dis Whether the learner considers that they have a learning difficulty, disability or health problem. Completed on the basis of the learner's self-assessment. LLDDHealthProb
NI Number The National Insurance number for the learner. NINumber
Prior Attainment The learner's prior attainment when they first enrol with the provider. PriorAttain
Accommodation Type The type of accommodation for learners who are living away from their usual home address for the purposes of study. Accom
GCSE Maths Qualification Grade The highest examination grade awarded to the learner for a GCSE maths qualification. MathGrade
GCSE English Qualification Grade The highest examination grade awarded to the learner for a GCSE English Language or Literature qualification. EngGrade
Postcode The current postcode of the address of the learner. Postcode
Address Line 1 The first line of the learner's current address. Normally this would include the house/flat number or name and the street name. AddLine1
Address Line 2 The second line of the learner's current address. AddLine2
Address Line 3 The third line of the learner's current address. AddLine3
Address Line 4 The fourth line of the learner's current address. AddLine4
Telephone The current telephone number of the learner. TelNo
Personal Email Address The current personal email address of the learner. Email
Restricted Use 1 The type of restriction on the use of the learner record. RUIContPrefType
Restricted Use 2 The type of restriction on the use of the learner record. RUIContPrefType
Contact Method 1 The type of restriction on the use of the learner record. PMCContPrefCode
Contact Method 2 The type of restriction on the use of the learner record. PMCContPrefCode
Contact Method 3 The type of restriction on the use of the learner record. PMCContPrefCode
High Needs Students (HNS) To indicate if a local authority has paid element 3 'top-up' funding for an EFA funded student whose agreed support costs are greater than £6,000. LearnFAMType HNS
HESA Disable Student Allowance (DLA) To indicate if the learner is in receipt of disabled students allowance. LearnFAMType DLA
Support Reason 1 The category of learner support awarded to the learner. LearnFAMType LSR
Support Reason 2 The category of learner support awarded to the learner. LearnFAMType LSR
Support Reason 3 The category of learner support awarded to the learner. LearnFAMType LSR
Support Reason 4 The category of learner support awarded to the learner. LearnFAMType LSR
Special Educational Needs A learner with a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them LearnFAMType SEN
National Learner Monitor 1 To identify any additional monitoring characteristics required for the learner. LearnFAMType NLM
National Learner Monitor 2 To identify any additional monitoring characteristics required for the learner. LearnFAMType NLM
Eligibility for EFA disadvantage funding 1 Learner eligibility for EFA disadvantage funding. LearnFAMType EDF
Eligibility for EFA disadvantage funding 2 Learner eligibility for EFA disadvantage funding. LearnFAMType EDF
GCSE Maths Condition of Funding Indicates the learner is either exempt from or has met the GCSE maths condition of funding. LearnFAMType MCF
GCSE English Condition of Funding Indicates the learner is either exempt from or has met the GCSE English condition of funding. LearnFAMType ECF
Free Meals Eligibility (FME) Learner eligibility for free meals. LearnFAMType FME
Pupil Premium Funding Eligibility (PPE) 1 Learner eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding. LearnFAMType PPE
Pupil Premium Funding Eligibility (PPE) 2 Learner eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding. LearnFAMType PPE
HE Sup. 1 (Cash) This field records the type of financial support received by the student. FINTYPE
HE Sup. 2 (Nr Cash) This field records the type of financial support received by the student. FINTYPE
HE Sup. 3 (Accom.) This field records the type of financial support received by the student. FINTYPE
HE Sup. 4 (Other) This field records the type of financial support received by the student. FINTYPE
UCAS Personal Identifier The learner's UCAS Personal Identifier. UCASPERID
Support Number (external) This field holds the Student Support Number assigned by Student Support Award Authorities (Northern Ireland Library Boards, Welsh Local Authorities, Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) and Student Loans Company (SLC)). It is the student identifier that is used in student finance communications between the Student Support Award Authorities, institutions and SLC. SSN
Domicile This field holds the country code of the student's permanent or home address prior to entry to the course. It is not necessarily the correspondence address of the learner. DOMICILE
Current Accommodation Where the learner is living in the current year. TTACCOM
SOC Code Used to record the occupation of the learner if aged 21 or over at the start of the course, or the occupation of the learner's parent or guardian, if the learner is under 21. It can be derived from the UCAS admissions system for UCAS entrants. OCC_CODE
Socio Econ Ind The socio-economic classification of the learner. SOCIO_ECO_IND
Student Instance Id [NUMHUS] An identification of the basic unit of 'a coherent engagement with the provider, aiming towards the award of a qualification(s) or credit' which is described in the HIN guidance section of HESA website. NUMHUS
Qual on Entry [QualEnt3] The highest qualification on entry. QUALENT3
Sexual Identification [SEXID] The learner's sex. SEXID
Gender ID [GenderId] The learner's gender identity. GENDERID
Sexual Orientation [SexOrt] The learner's sexual orientation. SEXORT
Religion or Belief [RelBlf] The learner's religious beliefs. RELBLF
HUSID The learner's unique HESA student identifier. HUSID
Previous Institution [PrevInst] The institution previously attended by the learner. PREVINST
Nationality [NATION] The learner's nationality. NATION
County of Domicile [DOMICILE] The learner's country of domicile. DOMICILE

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